Mental Health and Wellbeing
“Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” (World Health Organisation 2014)
The emotional health and wellbeing of all members of South Kilvington C of E Academy (including staff, pupils and parents) is fundamental to our vision that our school is a place where we feel safe, happy and where remarkable children can influence the world! This is rooted in our Christian Values of courage, compassion and respect. We are a fully inclusive school that nurtures and develops children academically, spiritually, socially and emotionally and have embedded wellbeing into every aspect of our school and we will continue to do so, involving everyone.
- All children are valued.
- Children have a sense of belonging and feel safe.
- Children feel able to talk openly with trusted adults about their problems.
- To help children develop the skills to manage and cope with difficult times in their life.
- Positive mental health is promoted and valued.
- Bullying is not tolerated.
We want all children to:
- Be able to express themselves
- Be successful
- Build positive relationships with others
- Be confident and challenge themselves.
- Believe in themselves to bring positive change in the world
- Have a caring and nurturing school ethos.
- NHS 5 ways to wellbeing are actively promoted through daily activities with the children
- We recognise that early intervention is vital and we act quickly when there is a need either internally or with external agencies.
- Weekly PSHE lessons and also Social, Emotional and Mental Health events occur every term to raise awareness.
- The Nurture Room is a safe space for the whole school where children have time to talk or nurture time.
- We work in partnership with parents and carers where there are concerns about mental health and wellbeing.
- Planning days take place every half term when teachers have extra time for planning and resourcing
- No marking policy is in place to help reduce teacher workload
- Meetings between staff are purposeful, productive and time limited
- Staff and pupil voice takes place every term linked to mental health and wellbeing
- As well as supporting the children in our setting, we also recognise the importance of the wellbeing and mental health of our staff and work together to ensure mental health is actively promoted.
Intended Impact
- The children are happy and successful in their learning.
- Children feel proud of their achievements.
- Children have strong and trusting relationships with the staff members across school where they can turn to for support.
- The children know how to keep their body and mind healthy.
- Children understand how their body changes and how their emotions and feelings change as they grow.
- Children learn how to express and manage their emotions and feelings
- Children learn how to keep safe including on social media and how to seek help if they need it.
- Children understand how their actions have an impact on others.
Well-being matters: A parent support guide
This guide has been put together to support you with the current challenges that we are all facing. Please take some time to read this and support yourself and your family on your journey to well-being.
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Elevate Wellbeing Strategy.pdf | Download |
Children's Mental Health Resources